
Mr. Valter Alberici honoured with the “Entrepreneurial Excellence Award” by Ernst & Young

On 19th November 2009 at the “2009 Entrepreneur of the Year Awards” Mr. Valter Alberici, President of ALLIED INTERNATIONAL, was honoured with the “Entrepreneurial Excellence Award” by the Ernst & Young jury, as the winner of the Finance Category.

The ceremony was held at Palazzo Mezzanotte in Piazza Affari, Milan, and conducted by Giorgio Mosci, a partner of Ernst & Young.

The citation for the Award is the following:

"To Valter Alberici, President of ALLIED INTERNATIONAL - Nibbiano Val Tidone, Piacenza, for having created, thanks to a series of targeted acquisitions, a Group strongly committed to innovation, able to assert itself on an international level in highly technological sectors, to the extent that it is the only manufacturer in Europe, and among the few worldwide, of some of the most delicate components which operate within nuclear reactors."

Mr. Alberici was also the protagonist, on this occasion, of a round table moderated by Gianfranco Fabi, Director of Radio 24, during which he expressed his beliefs and shared the fundamental business strategies which have allowed his companies to positively absorb the lesson of change brought about by the world economic crisis and to achieve this prestigious recognition, also through the solidity of 6 new projects realized in 2009.
Mr. Alberici also remembered the great support given to this winning path by his family, his American partner and his collaborators, with whom he shared this brilliant result.

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