
Allied Group among the protagonists at the T.EN ESG Supplier Council

On last November 16, 2023, the T.EN ESG Supplier Council took place at the Technip Energies headquarters in Paris, involving some of the world's largest suppliers.
It was an interesting moment of discussion on the issues of environmental, social and economic sustainability between T.EN and the participating firms.
The meeting, introduced by CEO Arnaud Pieton who highlighted T.EN's commitment to sustainability and ethical practices, saw the participation of the top management of Technip Energies.
Among the participating companies, three had the opportunity to present their ESG strategy: Baker & Hughes, Emerson and Allied International Group.
The Allied Group, with Greta Alberici and Renato Velli, illustrated its structure and exposed the actions undertaken to date for the implementation of an integrated ESG system with related objectives and roadmap for the coming years.
Allied's presentation was followed with great interest, as it is a case study of a medium-sized group consisting of many companies and which is setting out its own medium and long term strategic sustainability path.

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