
Allied Group at the Grand Prix Innovation in Milan

Valter Alberici, president and CEO of Allied International Group, participated on November 20 in the Grand Prix Innovation in Milan, organized by the Italian-French Chamber of Commerce and BPI (French public investment bank) with the aim of facilitating business relations between companies and startups in Italy and France and enhancing the most innovative and sustainable startups in the Franco-Italian ecosystem.

Alberici, who was accompanied by his daughter Greta (Corporate Development and M&A Manager of the Group), spoke at the round table "Industry at the service of decarbonization: examples of cross-fertilization between Italy and France" in a debate with Federico Musi, CEO of Look Cycle and Conrado Dentis, CEO of Dentis Recycling.

There were almost 650 participants representing Italian and French companies and startups, top managers, scaleup entrepreneurs, venture capital, incubators and tech hubs. The institutional participation was also significant: the plenary was attended by the Ambassador of France to Italy, Martin Briens, the Mayor of Milan Giuseppe Sala, who also granted the patronage of the Municipality, and Alessia Cappello, Councillor for Economic Development and Labour Policies.

Sites web du Groupe Allied

Phocéenne SAS, Division Piping Technologies - Siège social / Registered office: 10 Boulevard de Pythagore, domaine de Couperigne, 13127 Vitrolles, France -
Capital social/ Paid capital € 50,000 - Chambre du Commerce / Chamber of Commerce RCS Marseille B 877951673 - TVA/ VAT No. FR63877951673
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